Arts & Music
Creative Arts (Middle School)
The Creative Arts club gives students an opportunity to experience a wide range of creative activities and expressions, including drama, art/dance movement, and music. The club performs two yearly performances, with the second as a dinner theatre in May. The students enjoy all aspects of putting on a show, from acting to stage crew to the creative team that makes the sets and costumes. The performances are truly their vision and hard work.
Art Showcase (Grades K-8)
The school-wide Art Showcase features a piece of framed artwork for every student in grades Kindergarten through 8th. During the show, students have an opportunity to complete a small art activity, which will then be added to a collaborative sculpture that will develop and take shape during the show. Artwork by St. Margaret faculty and staff is also featured.

Chorus/Music Ministry (Grades 3-8)
Students will provide music support during elementary and middle school and Masses and Eucharistic Services. Students help to select hymns for the weekly masses and sing in harmonies. This group of students is very enthusiastic about their faith, their music, and the mass.
Band (Grades 4-8)
Students in grades 4-8 are eligible to participate in the Instrumental Music Program for a nominal fee. Lessons are provided for one-half hour each week, with full band rehearsal after school for those with more experience. Band concerts are conducted throughout the course of the school year.
Other Performances
Students at the elementary school participate is an annual Christmas Play in December. Eighth-grade students act out the Passion of Christ according to the Gospel of Matthew during Easter Week.