We are proud of our more than 110-year history in Harford County!
To watch a short video about the founding of our school, click here (aimed toward younger children)
To watch a longer video about the founding of our school, click here (aimed at older students/adults)
To make a gift in honor of our school’s 110th anniversary, click here.
St. Margaret School (SMS), the oldest parochial school still in operation in Harford County, opened on May 1, 1911, six years after Fr. Alphonsus Frederick founded St. Margaret Church. From that first day of school, when 43 pupils were enrolled and guided by two Catholic School Sisters of Notre Dame, through the current school year, St. Margaret has been providing quality Catholic education to students throughout the Harford County area.
St. Margaret School provides a Catholic education based upon the belief that each child is a unique creation of God. The school’s main responsibility is to instill in each child an understanding and appreciation of the values and ideals of the Catholic faith.