Home & School Association Survey

Hello from the HSA,

Did you know that the HSA raised over $200,000 this school year?
Did you know that there are 17 committees and 8 board members that make up the HSA?
How about that the HSA puts on 9 events throughout the school year?

In case you didn’t know, the HSA is a crucial part of what connects the school and families together.

As our school population has grown, we are creating bigger and better events and programs than ever before. But in order to be successful in these endeavors, we NEED volunteers.

The good news is that you can be as involved as you want to be. Only have an hour before school or 30 minutes before pick up? That’s okay! There is always work to be done. For example, you could help with Hot Lunch that is served multiple days a week for the entire school year or you could volunteer an hour here or there at the beginning of the year to support our largest fundraiser, the Fall Festival.

We’ve put together a short survey to explain all of the opportunities we have for you to get involved and to gauge your interest in participating in the HSA next school year. It should take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey.

Here are some helpful hints before you get started:

1. Please have every member of your family fill out the form individually. If you and your spouse both want to be involved, each fill it out.
2. We will take help from everyone in your family – including aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. If they want to join a committee, please send them the survey. But any volunteer will need to complete VIRTUS training. (There are additional details about this in the survey)
3. If you are unsure about a committee, we’ve included brief descriptions to give you a better idea of what the job entails.
4. If you are already involved in a committee, THANK YOU! But please also fill out the survey because we are trying to get all of our volunteer contact information saved electronically.

And lastly, if you have any questions as you are going through the survey, there is a point of contact for each committee listed in the “committee details” links. Feel free to reach out to them directly.

Once we have all the survey data collected, the committee chair(s) will reach out with next steps and what to know before our next school year begins.

Again, thank you so much and please consider joining an HSA committee!

Have a great rest of the school year,

The HSA Board