Positive School Environment

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Positive School Environment

The Archdiocesan Bullying Prevention, Intervention & Response Policy

Bullying, harassment, or intimidation of any student on school property or at a school-sponsored function or by the use of electronic technology is prohibited in all Archdiocese of Baltimore schools. Such behaviors are contrary to school life in a Christ-centered community, which respects God’s children’s dignity and uniqueness. To foster a school environment where all students are educated in a safe and caring atmosphere, all Archdiocesan schools will follow established procedures for prevention and intervention.

Bullying, harassment, intimidation, or retaliation against anyone who has reported these behaviors is prohibited. Students engaging in these behaviors on school property, at school-related activities, off school property, or after school hours when the behavior threatens or is likely to substantially disrupt or adversely affect the school-related environment for students or significantly impacts the interest of students or the school community are subject to disciplinary and/or legal action.

Students, parents, employees, and service providers are responsible for reporting incidents of bullying, harassment, intimidation, or retaliation. School principals will immediately report all illegal behaviors to the appropriate local authorities and the Superintendent of Catholic Schools.

Positive Behavioral Intervention & Support (PBIS)

PBIS is a statewide program created in partnership with Shepherd Pratt Health System and John Hopkins University. PBIS has been implemented in every Archdiocesan elementary and high school.

PBIS is a framework or approach for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.

PBIS is not a packaged curriculum, scripted intervention, or manualized strategy.

PBIS is a prevention-oriented way for school personnel to (a) organize evidence-based practices, (b) improve their implementation of those practices, and (c) maximize academic and social behavior outcomes for students.

PBIS supports the success of all students.

Be The Peace:

We will be continuing our school-wide PBIS program, Be the PEACE, this year.  This program is meant to enhance it using positive reinforcement and emphasizing an understanding of responsible behaviors in school.  In the word Peace, each letter stands for an expectation that supports Saint Margaret School’s mission and purpose.  Prayer, Everyone is respected, Attitude in action, Compassion, and Empathy.  Many of the components of our program have been in place and are taught in our religion curriculum, counseling classes, Mass attendance, the Peaceful Playground, outreach projects, and in our academic classes.

Students receive Peace tickets for their positive behaviors at the Elementary School Campus.  This ticket gives them a chance to attend our monthly Peace Breakfast, where they receive a surprise.  Our students get very excited about this part of the program.  Teachers are also eligible to win surprises each month.

We have a new sponsor of our program, Applebees has made a donation that will help to enhance our monthly celebrations.  Our previous sponsors, the Saint Margaret H.S.A. and Kona Ice, made sure that our students had a school-wide celebration again this year.  Kona Ice visited both campuses at the end of the school year.  Their reduced price was paid for by the H.S.A.  Medieval Times also donated certificates for our May drawing.  I hope some of you were able to take advantage of their generosity.  Also, a number of our students were honored by the Iron Birds organization this summer when they were nominated by their teachers.  A big thank you to our H.S.A., Kona Ice, Medieval Times, the Iron Birds, and Applebees.

Middle School:
This year at Saint Margaret Middle, we will continue our Be the Peace Program, a school-wide program that fosters positive behaviors in our students.  We have adopted the word “PEACE” to outline the positive behaviors that will support a positive and safe learning environment.

P – Prayer
E – Everyone is Respected
A – Attitudes in Action
C – Compassion
E – Empathy

Students learn about the PEACE program through classroom lessons, modeling, and practice.  In addition, PEACE posters are placed around the building.  Students receive a PEACE certificate as a reward for displaying positive behaviors such as respect, responsibility and helping others.  The rewards will continue the same as last year.  We are looking forward to an exciting and successful year!


SMS will open 2 hours late on Tuesday, January 21