Information for…

An abundance of resources. Find everything you need to keep current with what’s going on at our school.

Stay connected to your classroom with information regarding classes, schedules, homework, and projects.

Faculty & Staff
Provide your students with the most up-to-date information for your class on your teacher site.

We would like to keep in touch with you. Please update and send your current information including name, address, and email address.
Saint Margaret: By The Numbers
Student Teacher Ratio
Students Per Class on Average
Total Students
Our 2024 graduates received more than $1,755,000 in scholarship and grant money
School News
HSA Used Uniform Sale
Spring is coming and so are warmer weather uniforms--starting April 1! Our next used uniform sale...
Arrival & Dismissal
Arrival & Dissmissal Elementary Campus To ensure the safety of the children, we ask that you...
Upcoming Events
In the Spotlight

Be a Part of the St. Margaret School Family
We invite you to learn more about St. Margaret Catholic School and how you can apply today!

21st Century Classrooms
One-to-One Technology
All students in PreK-4 through 2 have iPads loaded with apps and programs to enhance their learning environment. Students in grades 3-8 have Chromebooks to access G Suite and other resources in their classrooms.

Share Your Intentions
Through November your deceased loved ones and special intentions will be included in our prayer book and our schol students will pray for them each morning. Click to submit your inentions.